i haven't been updating my blog, but it's not from lack of ideas...i've actually had a couple posts in mind; i just haven't had time to write them. however, with our new payroll person (she actually stuck around for more than 2 days, AND she got attendance down in a day and a half, instead of 3 weeks! yayyyy!) picking up some of the slack, i may be able to have more free time and actually get off work at a decent time, which means that i may be able to write my new posts soon :)
keep your fingers crossed :D
wanderlust of the mind
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Swallow Pills Like a....Boat???
i was talking to my good friend goober, who shares with me a love for the teachings of a certain rev. dr. john piper, and more importantly the bestest, most awesomest person in the whole wide world EVAR, JC :D (and yes, i realize that was SO grammatically incorrect, but trying to describe Jesus makes me lose all control of my grammar, haha). anyway, we were discussing whether or not it was possible to photoshop clothes onto people because i felt like a creeper every time i was typing something in his chat window since his picture displayed some very expansive male-upper body/torso-nakedness. lest you think he's some weirdo, let me clarify; he and his cousin are on a boat in his picture. ok, so i guess the point of that tangent was to explain why i'm writing about boats, and to give a shout-out to goober :)
anyway, the title of this post is referencing the Lonely Island's song "Like a Boss," just in case anyone was wondering...(please excuse the language)
to give some background info, this gem of an exchange took place during dinner, after i was complaining to my mom about how i was having a hard time swallowing all the pills she packed for me. as a side note, my mom runs a pharmacy out of one of our lower cabinets; the entire cabinet is full of all kinds of vitamins and nutrient/supplements you could imagine, and she likes to pack a bunch of them for me to take at work. now, i learned how to swallow pills at an early age (i think 5) because i hated the way children's medicine tasted, so i'd like to think i'm pretty good at swallowing pills. however, my mom packs me 9823472959 pills to take, and i had only a little bit of juice left that day so i had to choke all those pills down with only one gulp of juice. my dear mazzer misunderstood though and thought i had problems swallowing pills in general, and this is the advice she gave me:
e*: oh my gosh, i had such a hard time swallowing all those pills at work today, umma!
m: nonono, you gotta swallow them like boat! you know?
e* and dad: ?_? errrr.....
m: it has to go down like boat! you know, BOAT! (i think she means you have to swallow it vertically, not horizontally)
d: what about a submarine? you can't swallow like submarine? hahaha
m: -_-;;;;
maybe it's only amusing to me, but i promise imagining my mom saying this in english with her korean accent will make is 287497414x better, hahaha
i'm feeling so out of it today (i think i'm getting sick) and can't think of a good way to wrap up this post, so i'm out...byeeeee!
anyway, the title of this post is referencing the Lonely Island's song "Like a Boss," just in case anyone was wondering...(please excuse the language)
to give some background info, this gem of an exchange took place during dinner, after i was complaining to my mom about how i was having a hard time swallowing all the pills she packed for me. as a side note, my mom runs a pharmacy out of one of our lower cabinets; the entire cabinet is full of all kinds of vitamins and nutrient/supplements you could imagine, and she likes to pack a bunch of them for me to take at work. now, i learned how to swallow pills at an early age (i think 5) because i hated the way children's medicine tasted, so i'd like to think i'm pretty good at swallowing pills. however, my mom packs me 9823472959 pills to take, and i had only a little bit of juice left that day so i had to choke all those pills down with only one gulp of juice. my dear mazzer misunderstood though and thought i had problems swallowing pills in general, and this is the advice she gave me:
e*: oh my gosh, i had such a hard time swallowing all those pills at work today, umma!
m: nonono, you gotta swallow them like boat! you know?
e* and dad: ?_? errrr.....
m: it has to go down like boat! you know, BOAT! (i think she means you have to swallow it vertically, not horizontally)
d: what about a submarine? you can't swallow like submarine? hahaha
m: -_-;;;;
maybe it's only amusing to me, but i promise imagining my mom saying this in english with her korean accent will make is 287497414x better, hahaha
i'm feeling so out of it today (i think i'm getting sick) and can't think of a good way to wrap up this post, so i'm out...byeeeee!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
My Mom is a Squirrel, My Dad is a Chipmunk, and I Am a Taco
for the first time this week i've been able to get off work at 5:40-ish, so hooray for that!
i've fallen into a terrible habit of coming home, inhaling my dinner, then passing out for the night around 8:00 pm...i feel like people will yell at me and tell me i'm not fat, but weight concerns aside, this CANNOT be good for my health.
anyway, in celebration of coming home slightly earlier than usual, i am now updating my blog (also in hopes that blogging will keep me from falling asleep at 8). i'm actually supposed to be working on a flier for our church, but i can't seem to get the formatting right so i'm taking a break.
my mom is a squirrel. i have no doubt about that. if i were buddhist and believed in past lives (and also bet), i would bet my next paycheck that my mom had been a squirrel in her former life. seriously, when my mom "cleans" (which mostly consists of her shoving stuff into closets, boxes under beds, etc., but never, NEVER throwing anything out), things magically disappear into a black hole or something. when i (or sister/dad) ask her where she put it, her answer, without skipping a beat, is that she doesn't know. she cleaned it; how does she NOT know??
case in point (or point in case): my sister and i were trying to bake a cake for her friend andrew's birthday. well...by "my sister and i," i mean my sister did most of the work and i cracked 1 egg and crushed some oreos (hey, it takes skill to crush oreos that finely, ok?). and by "bake," i mean we bought cake mix from walmart at 11 pm, but i digress. anyway, we were almost done with decorating the cake so my sister was trying to look for her cake container/carrier thingy. however, when she went to where she THOUGHT it would be, lo and behold, my squirrel mother had meticulously hidden it away. we spent about half an hour looking for that thing, because it wasn't as if we could wake up our mom and ask her where she'd cleaned (hidden) it, and even if we could have, she would've just told us that she didn't know -_-;;
finally, after about 30 minutes, skimchi found it hidden away in the WAYYY back of one of the cabinets; i tell you, my mother is GOOD at hiding things. if you ever need to hide criminal evidence/treasure, my mother is the go-to woman (j/k, but not really, haha).
i: you weren't on gchat!
i: i wanted to talk to you
i: so i was upset
e*: oh, sorry...i wasn't logged into my gmail
i: but then i had a taco for lunch and everything was okay :D
i don't know how you interpret this, but i take it to mean that my worth (to ian, anyway) is equal to that of a taco. i mean, look: no e*-->upset-->taco-->happy. in other words, his disappointment at not being able to talk to me on gchat was not just mitigated (which would have been bad enough), but completely reversed and replaced with happiness from a taco. that better have been a dang good taco, ian.
anyway, my dad is asking me why it's taking an hour to make a simple flier, so i must go...until my next post, adieu!
i stand corrected. ina has just i.med me on fb to tell me this:
i: you need to correct that equation
e*: how?
i: Taco > you
e*: -_-;;;
this chat IS verbatim...and there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth...
i've fallen into a terrible habit of coming home, inhaling my dinner, then passing out for the night around 8:00 pm...i feel like people will yell at me and tell me i'm not fat, but weight concerns aside, this CANNOT be good for my health.
anyway, in celebration of coming home slightly earlier than usual, i am now updating my blog (also in hopes that blogging will keep me from falling asleep at 8). i'm actually supposed to be working on a flier for our church, but i can't seem to get the formatting right so i'm taking a break.
my mom is a squirrel. i have no doubt about that. if i were buddhist and believed in past lives (and also bet), i would bet my next paycheck that my mom had been a squirrel in her former life. seriously, when my mom "cleans" (which mostly consists of her shoving stuff into closets, boxes under beds, etc., but never, NEVER throwing anything out), things magically disappear into a black hole or something. when i (or sister/dad) ask her where she put it, her answer, without skipping a beat, is that she doesn't know. she cleaned it; how does she NOT know??
case in point (or point in case): my sister and i were trying to bake a cake for her friend andrew's birthday. well...by "my sister and i," i mean my sister did most of the work and i cracked 1 egg and crushed some oreos (hey, it takes skill to crush oreos that finely, ok?). and by "bake," i mean we bought cake mix from walmart at 11 pm, but i digress. anyway, we were almost done with decorating the cake so my sister was trying to look for her cake container/carrier thingy. however, when she went to where she THOUGHT it would be, lo and behold, my squirrel mother had meticulously hidden it away. we spent about half an hour looking for that thing, because it wasn't as if we could wake up our mom and ask her where she'd cleaned (hidden) it, and even if we could have, she would've just told us that she didn't know -_-;;
finally, after about 30 minutes, skimchi found it hidden away in the WAYYY back of one of the cabinets; i tell you, my mother is GOOD at hiding things. if you ever need to hide criminal evidence/treasure, my mother is the go-to woman (j/k, but not really, haha).
this week, my dad is a chipmunk. he, at the tender age of 50 (soon-to-be-51, in sept.) got his wisdom teeth removed on monday, and the swelling still hasn't gone away. he got a cool looking ice pack thingy from the dentist that wraps around his face like so:
i seriously think i should have just gone to art school, like i wanted to do back in high school...
i've been a good daughter and trying to lift his spirits by telling him he looks like a chipmunk. or better yet, like a pokemon:
actually, my mom looks kind of like this too...skimchi says it's our mom saying "야!" ("ya")
finally, this gem came from a most unexpected source: ian/ina/isabel. he basically equated me to a taco in our facebook chat today (this is not verbatim, but this is how i remember it):
i've been a good daughter and trying to lift his spirits by telling him he looks like a chipmunk. or better yet, like a pokemon:
i: you weren't on gchat!
i: i wanted to talk to you
i: so i was upset
e*: oh, sorry...i wasn't logged into my gmail
i: but then i had a taco for lunch and everything was okay :D
i don't know how you interpret this, but i take it to mean that my worth (to ian, anyway) is equal to that of a taco. i mean, look: no e*-->upset-->taco-->happy. in other words, his disappointment at not being able to talk to me on gchat was not just mitigated (which would have been bad enough), but completely reversed and replaced with happiness from a taco. that better have been a dang good taco, ian.
anyway, my dad is asking me why it's taking an hour to make a simple flier, so i must go...until my next post, adieu!
i stand corrected. ina has just i.med me on fb to tell me this:
i: you need to correct that equation
e*: how?
i: Taco > you
e*: -_-;;;
this chat IS verbatim...and there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
On Interviews
if you have met me in real life, you will probably know that at times i can be very awkward and inarticulate. maybe this is why i feel sick when i'm offered an interview, rather than being happy like a normal, articulate person.
anyway, by some stroke of luck, someone from my church submitted my resume to a korean company called dongwon autoparts technology, LLC, and dongwon in turn called me to schedule an interview. now, i'm sure any rational, normal human being would have been happy to be asked for one, since it usually means the company/organization is considering you as a strong candidate, but me being who i am, just felt...well, BLEH. i know this sounds ungrateful, especially given the job market these days, but i really didn't want to go and i was annoyed that they wanted to interview me.
the day of the interview, my parents decided to drive me to the company's office/headquarters in georgia, partly for moral support and partly because i'm hopelessly bad with directions. my dad, being the rational person that he is, decides NOT to take directions given to us by the church person who very kindly submitted my resume, but rather decides he can kind of guesstimate his way there (for the record, he is even worse with roads and directions than i am -_-;;). so we're driving down this one-lane road (too small to be a highway...) going farther and farther into podunk, who-knows-where, and i'm starting to look like a little kid doing the pee-pee dance because it's getting closer and closer to 10 am, my scheduled interview time.
by some stroke of luck, we encounter a really big dongwon sign, so the three of us exclaim in happiness as my dad turns onto the narrow, gravel road. that's where it starts to go downhill. as he keeps driving, it becomes increasingly obvious that it's not the right place. rather than a big office building/factory that we were expecting, we're approaching a one-family home with no cars in the driveway and a dog tied up on the porch...we all think that's a little off, but this MUST be it, since they have a sign up, right?
as i'm getting out of the car, my dad tells me to call him when i'm done with my interview. NO JOKE, my dad was just going to drop me off, out in the middle of nowhere with ABSOLUTELY NO cell phone reception (gee, thanks, dad -_-); luckily, my mom yells at him and tells him they should just wait there...so i walk up to the front of the house and the dog starts jumping around, wagging its tail and generally going crazy, and i'm teetering in my heels trying to keep my dress clean from its muddy paws. i ring the doorbell but no one comes to the door right away so i start playing with the dog. after about 3 minutes of me doing this, all of a sudden my mom sticks her head out the window and starts yelling and waving frantically, saying that we're at the wrong place. what. the. heck.
we finally get to the RIGHT location, which is hidden away and DOES NOT HAVE A SIGN OUT FRONT, and at that point i'm already 10 minutes late for my interview. as i walk in, the guy at the front desk greets me and asks who i'm there to see, and i realize i have no idea who my interviewer is...talk about being unprepared >_<. i guess i looked so pitiful and confused that he decides to go and look for someone who could potentially be interviewing me.
fast forward 5 minutes, and i'm sitting in a room with two people, a korean man and a caucasian woman, and both are taking turns to ask me typical questions. to be honest, i don't feel like the interview is going too well because i'm too hung up on the fact that i was more than 10 minutes late for the interview to actually focus on anwering the questions well, and i feel like the korean-speaking part of the brain decided to take a vacation when i needed it the most; after all, they were looking for a bilingual person, and i had kind of exaggerated on my resume that i was fluent in korean (fluent conversationally, but when it comes to professional/academic settings, i lack the vocabulary to be completely fluent). they wrap up the interview after 15 minutes or so of me blundering through questions, and as i leave the building, i'm thinking how i totally would have been hired if it had been the dog interviewing me. seriously, that dog LOVED me and couldn't stop licking me :)
on our way back home, about 15 minutes after the interview was done, i get a call from the senior HR person (the woman who interviewed me), offering me a job as an HR assistant and telling me to come in next monday.
i guess the moral of this story is to give people hope, that even if you think your interview went terribly, you could still be offered the job (you are your own harshest critic, after all). i mean, come on...if i was offered a job after that ordeal, who's to say that you won't be hired as well? and last but not least, i'm trying to say that God works in mysterious ways...i mean, i wasn't really trying to look for a job (in fact, i wanted to enjoy my funemployment a little while longer), and i feel like under normal circumstances i would NOT have been offered a job, especially given my great first impression of being 15 minutes late and not knowing who my interview was scheduled with...but God is good, and i now have a job!
(sorry for the pseudo-narrative/prose style writing, my regular writing style will be resumed in my next post; i promise!)
anyway, by some stroke of luck, someone from my church submitted my resume to a korean company called dongwon autoparts technology, LLC, and dongwon in turn called me to schedule an interview. now, i'm sure any rational, normal human being would have been happy to be asked for one, since it usually means the company/organization is considering you as a strong candidate, but me being who i am, just felt...well, BLEH. i know this sounds ungrateful, especially given the job market these days, but i really didn't want to go and i was annoyed that they wanted to interview me.
the day of the interview, my parents decided to drive me to the company's office/headquarters in georgia, partly for moral support and partly because i'm hopelessly bad with directions. my dad, being the rational person that he is, decides NOT to take directions given to us by the church person who very kindly submitted my resume, but rather decides he can kind of guesstimate his way there (for the record, he is even worse with roads and directions than i am -_-;;). so we're driving down this one-lane road (too small to be a highway...) going farther and farther into podunk, who-knows-where, and i'm starting to look like a little kid doing the pee-pee dance because it's getting closer and closer to 10 am, my scheduled interview time.
by some stroke of luck, we encounter a really big dongwon sign, so the three of us exclaim in happiness as my dad turns onto the narrow, gravel road. that's where it starts to go downhill. as he keeps driving, it becomes increasingly obvious that it's not the right place. rather than a big office building/factory that we were expecting, we're approaching a one-family home with no cars in the driveway and a dog tied up on the porch...we all think that's a little off, but this MUST be it, since they have a sign up, right?
as i'm getting out of the car, my dad tells me to call him when i'm done with my interview. NO JOKE, my dad was just going to drop me off, out in the middle of nowhere with ABSOLUTELY NO cell phone reception (gee, thanks, dad -_-); luckily, my mom yells at him and tells him they should just wait there...so i walk up to the front of the house and the dog starts jumping around, wagging its tail and generally going crazy, and i'm teetering in my heels trying to keep my dress clean from its muddy paws. i ring the doorbell but no one comes to the door right away so i start playing with the dog. after about 3 minutes of me doing this, all of a sudden my mom sticks her head out the window and starts yelling and waving frantically, saying that we're at the wrong place. what. the. heck.
we finally get to the RIGHT location, which is hidden away and DOES NOT HAVE A SIGN OUT FRONT, and at that point i'm already 10 minutes late for my interview. as i walk in, the guy at the front desk greets me and asks who i'm there to see, and i realize i have no idea who my interviewer is...talk about being unprepared >_<. i guess i looked so pitiful and confused that he decides to go and look for someone who could potentially be interviewing me.
fast forward 5 minutes, and i'm sitting in a room with two people, a korean man and a caucasian woman, and both are taking turns to ask me typical questions. to be honest, i don't feel like the interview is going too well because i'm too hung up on the fact that i was more than 10 minutes late for the interview to actually focus on anwering the questions well, and i feel like the korean-speaking part of the brain decided to take a vacation when i needed it the most; after all, they were looking for a bilingual person, and i had kind of exaggerated on my resume that i was fluent in korean (fluent conversationally, but when it comes to professional/academic settings, i lack the vocabulary to be completely fluent). they wrap up the interview after 15 minutes or so of me blundering through questions, and as i leave the building, i'm thinking how i totally would have been hired if it had been the dog interviewing me. seriously, that dog LOVED me and couldn't stop licking me :)
on our way back home, about 15 minutes after the interview was done, i get a call from the senior HR person (the woman who interviewed me), offering me a job as an HR assistant and telling me to come in next monday.
i guess the moral of this story is to give people hope, that even if you think your interview went terribly, you could still be offered the job (you are your own harshest critic, after all). i mean, come on...if i was offered a job after that ordeal, who's to say that you won't be hired as well? and last but not least, i'm trying to say that God works in mysterious ways...i mean, i wasn't really trying to look for a job (in fact, i wanted to enjoy my funemployment a little while longer), and i feel like under normal circumstances i would NOT have been offered a job, especially given my great first impression of being 15 minutes late and not knowing who my interview was scheduled with...but God is good, and i now have a job!
(sorry for the pseudo-narrative/prose style writing, my regular writing style will be resumed in my next post; i promise!)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
HOTlanta, Here I Am!
i guess i would apologize for my 4-month hiatus if i knew people were actually reading my blog, but since it's more for my own amusement than anything else, i'll forgo the apology. plus, if anyone DOES read this, it's probably because they know me, and they know i'm pretty irresponsible when it comes to frequent correspondence.
anyway, i am now done with my year of indentured servitude to the government/low-income community, and am now back in peachtree city. it's amazing how quickly a year went by, and even more amazing how much STUFF i had to give/throw away in order to pack my belongings into a '96 toyota camry. 5 years' worth of accumulated things/clothes/books is pretty hard to fit into just the trunk and half the back seat, but after donating 3.5 trash bags of clothes, selling 20 books to a used bookstore (half books, i shall miss thee, except for the fact that you only gave me $3 for 20 books, one of which was hardcover, fairly new, and only read once -_-), giving away a quarter of my stuff and throwing away the other quarter, i somehow managed to cram half of all my worldly possessions into my car.
now i'm sitting at home in my room, spending what will probably be the longest amount of time i've ever spent in it (at least a year, if not more), but i CANNOT seem to get it organized, or make it feel like it's really MY room. right now, i feel like i'm in a really REALLY messy 하숙방 or something (um...i'm not sure how to translate this to english...kind of like a boarding room in a boarding house, i guess?) since my clothes look like they exploded out of their trash bags onto my room floor. it doesn't help any that i don't have a functioning dresser at the moment -_-;;
so for the next couple weeks, i'm going be a bum and just freeload off my parents, and maybe take some time to do some navel-gazing to figure out what it is i want to do with my life...i took the LSAT last month (june), and although i did manage to score in the 80th percentile (look at me, tooting my own horn!), i'm not sure if the score is good enough to get me into the law schools i/my parents want me to attend...i guess right now my choices are to either study and retake the LSAT, if law school is what i want to do, find a real job, or...i don't know. find a rich husband who will take care of me as long as i bear him children? ok, scratch that last option; i probably set back feminism about 50 years, but hey, to each her own.
i feel like this post hasn't been nearly as amusing as my other posts, but i think it's because i'm separated from my muse...zammez has been supplying fodder for most of my previous posts, but now that he's in miami and i'm here, i guess we'll all have to wait until he visits for some more entertaining posts. that, or maybe my mom/sister (they're the best bets, since they tend to say ridiculous stuff from time to time...my dad just sings weird songs and makes up his own words to existing ones) will come up with a gem that i can then use for a blog post...so until the next one (who knows how many more months it'll be), adieu!
anyway, i am now done with my year of indentured servitude to the government/low-income community, and am now back in peachtree city. it's amazing how quickly a year went by, and even more amazing how much STUFF i had to give/throw away in order to pack my belongings into a '96 toyota camry. 5 years' worth of accumulated things/clothes/books is pretty hard to fit into just the trunk and half the back seat, but after donating 3.5 trash bags of clothes, selling 20 books to a used bookstore (half books, i shall miss thee, except for the fact that you only gave me $3 for 20 books, one of which was hardcover, fairly new, and only read once -_-), giving away a quarter of my stuff and throwing away the other quarter, i somehow managed to cram half of all my worldly possessions into my car.
now i'm sitting at home in my room, spending what will probably be the longest amount of time i've ever spent in it (at least a year, if not more), but i CANNOT seem to get it organized, or make it feel like it's really MY room. right now, i feel like i'm in a really REALLY messy 하숙방 or something (um...i'm not sure how to translate this to english...kind of like a boarding room in a boarding house, i guess?) since my clothes look like they exploded out of their trash bags onto my room floor. it doesn't help any that i don't have a functioning dresser at the moment -_-;;
so for the next couple weeks, i'm going be a bum and just freeload off my parents, and maybe take some time to do some navel-gazing to figure out what it is i want to do with my life...i took the LSAT last month (june), and although i did manage to score in the 80th percentile (look at me, tooting my own horn!), i'm not sure if the score is good enough to get me into the law schools i/my parents want me to attend...i guess right now my choices are to either study and retake the LSAT, if law school is what i want to do, find a real job, or...i don't know. find a rich husband who will take care of me as long as i bear him children? ok, scratch that last option; i probably set back feminism about 50 years, but hey, to each her own.
i feel like this post hasn't been nearly as amusing as my other posts, but i think it's because i'm separated from my muse...zammez has been supplying fodder for most of my previous posts, but now that he's in miami and i'm here, i guess we'll all have to wait until he visits for some more entertaining posts. that, or maybe my mom/sister (they're the best bets, since they tend to say ridiculous stuff from time to time...my dad just sings weird songs and makes up his own words to existing ones) will come up with a gem that i can then use for a blog post...so until the next one (who knows how many more months it'll be), adieu!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I am CLEARLY a Responsible, Adept Adult.
the fact that i'm writing this blog post in my office at work is a testament to my claim in the title of this post. i haven't updated my blog in a while, so being the responsible, adept adult that i am, i will try to cram as many things as possible into this post to make up for the dearth of posts this past month.
have you ever had a conversation with a friend/family member/significant other/whomever that ended badly because you were being sarcastic/snarky, but it didn't translate well into chatting/texting/written exchange on the interwebz? i've always wondered about this because i tend to lean towards dry, sarcastic humor, but have had problems communicating this through writing. apparently, there's a solution for this. i present to you:
this may be old news to you, but i just recently found out that the symbol above denotes sarcasm. i don't know who came up with this, or how they decided that this signals to the reader that what they just read was sarcasm, but it's pretty great. for example: i have my 2nd diagnostic test tonight from 6-10; i'm so excited! [!] (maybe that wasn't such a great example after all. i'm a little distracted at the moment though, so forgive me).
moving on to other things, i got a new phone yesterday. i usually pride myself in being pretty tech savvy (my current job entails computer coding and website maintenance, for goodness sake), because my dad instilled in me a love for all technological gadgets, gizmos and doo-dads at an early age. however, with my new phone, i feel like an 80-year-old handling a netbook for the first time (or at least, it's how i imagine she would feel). i'm utterly confused by its numerous, unnecessary widgets that i cannot get rid of, and the way it organizes my contacts makes my head ache. luckily i've figured out how to call, text, and take pictures on it though, which is good because that's really all i need from my phone. i thought having a nice, brand new, touch screen phone would be cool (it just came out about 2 weeks ago), but so far i'm not seeing very many benefits and i almost prefer my old phone (i say "almost" because the keyboard wasn't working on my old phone, which was terrible since i text more than i talk).
on the topic of phones, when my mom sent me my new phone, she also included bags of various nuts and dried fruits. i've been eating them at work, which is why i have had to suppress my urge to say "om nom nom nom" every time i eat a walnut, because walnuts remind me of brains and i think they can only be eaten appropriately if accompanied by zombie noises. however, doing so would probably scare off chelsea, my officemate, so i have had to refrain. :(
yesterday, i bought flintstones sour gummy vitamins. i'm super excited for them (except i forgot to eat them this morning), and i've decided to be nice and share them with zammez. this just proves that i am a responsible adult (taking vitamins without being told to, and sharing? yup, definite adult-like behavior); never mind that they're sour gummy vitamins. they taste very yummy, and i had a hard time limiting myself to just 2 yesterday. i wonder what would happen if i ate the whole bottle...would i die from vitamin overdose?
this past weekend i had a dinner date with some of the lovely ladies of team asia. for some reason, i feel that the fact that i had a dinner date further proves my point that i am an adult.
sorry this post is such a hodge-podge, both subject-matter-wise and chronologically. but hey, if you could read this and stayed with me till the end, it means your brain is very agile and in tip-top shape. think of it this way: i'm doing you a favor by making you exercise your -walnut- (brain).
have you ever had a conversation with a friend/family member/significant other/whomever that ended badly because you were being sarcastic/snarky, but it didn't translate well into chatting/texting/written exchange on the interwebz? i've always wondered about this because i tend to lean towards dry, sarcastic humor, but have had problems communicating this through writing. apparently, there's a solution for this. i present to you:
this may be old news to you, but i just recently found out that the symbol above denotes sarcasm. i don't know who came up with this, or how they decided that this signals to the reader that what they just read was sarcasm, but it's pretty great. for example: i have my 2nd diagnostic test tonight from 6-10; i'm so excited! [!] (maybe that wasn't such a great example after all. i'm a little distracted at the moment though, so forgive me).
moving on to other things, i got a new phone yesterday. i usually pride myself in being pretty tech savvy (my current job entails computer coding and website maintenance, for goodness sake), because my dad instilled in me a love for all technological gadgets, gizmos and doo-dads at an early age. however, with my new phone, i feel like an 80-year-old handling a netbook for the first time (or at least, it's how i imagine she would feel). i'm utterly confused by its numerous, unnecessary widgets that i cannot get rid of, and the way it organizes my contacts makes my head ache. luckily i've figured out how to call, text, and take pictures on it though, which is good because that's really all i need from my phone. i thought having a nice, brand new, touch screen phone would be cool (it just came out about 2 weeks ago), but so far i'm not seeing very many benefits and i almost prefer my old phone (i say "almost" because the keyboard wasn't working on my old phone, which was terrible since i text more than i talk).
on the topic of phones, when my mom sent me my new phone, she also included bags of various nuts and dried fruits. i've been eating them at work, which is why i have had to suppress my urge to say "om nom nom nom" every time i eat a walnut, because walnuts remind me of brains and i think they can only be eaten appropriately if accompanied by zombie noises. however, doing so would probably scare off chelsea, my officemate, so i have had to refrain. :(
yesterday, i bought flintstones sour gummy vitamins. i'm super excited for them (except i forgot to eat them this morning), and i've decided to be nice and share them with zammez. this just proves that i am a responsible adult (taking vitamins without being told to, and sharing? yup, definite adult-like behavior); never mind that they're sour gummy vitamins. they taste very yummy, and i had a hard time limiting myself to just 2 yesterday. i wonder what would happen if i ate the whole bottle...would i die from vitamin overdose?
this past weekend i had a dinner date with some of the lovely ladies of team asia. for some reason, i feel that the fact that i had a dinner date further proves my point that i am an adult.
sorry this post is such a hodge-podge, both subject-matter-wise and chronologically. but hey, if you could read this and stayed with me till the end, it means your brain is very agile and in tip-top shape. think of it this way: i'm doing you a favor by making you exercise your -walnut- (brain).
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
And the Results...
i feel so much better now that i'm done with the diagnostic. the thought of taking that stupid test was wreaking havoc on my nervous/digestive system and interrupting my sleep schedule, but now it's over!
i'm only doing this because i know only like, 2 people actually read this, and i feel like my blog is a safe space. haha. anyway, i know it's really fuzzy, but this screenshot validates my belief that i'm just plain illogical. i mean, 9 correct out of 24? apparently kaplan calls this my "opportunity for improvement" rather than my weakness. whatever you say, kaplan.
what baffles me though, is the fact that i actually did better on the practice test (despite the fact that i was doing it at work while chatting with my bf on gchat) than i did on the diagnostic test, which was as close to the real testing situation as possible. wtf, right? anyhow, kaplan has a higher score guarantee, and i've heard that on average people get up to 10 points higher after taking a course at kaplan, so if i don't get at least a 166-169 i'm asking for my money back. haha.
they say LSAT stands for Law School Admission Test, but it's more like the Long Sadistic Aggravating/Agonizing/any-other-negative-"A"-word-you-can-think-of Test if you ask me.
if you're wondering how i did, here's a screenshot of the analysis/score of the practice test i took online:

what baffles me though, is the fact that i actually did better on the practice test (despite the fact that i was doing it at work while chatting with my bf on gchat) than i did on the diagnostic test, which was as close to the real testing situation as possible. wtf, right? anyhow, kaplan has a higher score guarantee, and i've heard that on average people get up to 10 points higher after taking a course at kaplan, so if i don't get at least a 166-169 i'm asking for my money back. haha.
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