i've fallen into a terrible habit of coming home, inhaling my dinner, then passing out for the night around 8:00 pm...i feel like people will yell at me and tell me i'm not fat, but weight concerns aside, this CANNOT be good for my health.
anyway, in celebration of coming home slightly earlier than usual, i am now updating my blog (also in hopes that blogging will keep me from falling asleep at 8). i'm actually supposed to be working on a flier for our church, but i can't seem to get the formatting right so i'm taking a break.
my mom is a squirrel. i have no doubt about that. if i were buddhist and believed in past lives (and also bet), i would bet my next paycheck that my mom had been a squirrel in her former life. seriously, when my mom "cleans" (which mostly consists of her shoving stuff into closets, boxes under beds, etc., but never, NEVER throwing anything out), things magically disappear into a black hole or something. when i (or sister/dad) ask her where she put it, her answer, without skipping a beat, is that she doesn't know. she cleaned it; how does she NOT know??
case in point (or point in case): my sister and i were trying to bake a cake for her friend andrew's birthday. well...by "my sister and i," i mean my sister did most of the work and i cracked 1 egg and crushed some oreos (hey, it takes skill to crush oreos that finely, ok?). and by "bake," i mean we bought cake mix from walmart at 11 pm, but i digress. anyway, we were almost done with decorating the cake so my sister was trying to look for her cake container/carrier thingy. however, when she went to where she THOUGHT it would be, lo and behold, my squirrel mother had meticulously hidden it away. we spent about half an hour looking for that thing, because it wasn't as if we could wake up our mom and ask her where she'd cleaned (hidden) it, and even if we could have, she would've just told us that she didn't know -_-;;
finally, after about 30 minutes, skimchi found it hidden away in the WAYYY back of one of the cabinets; i tell you, my mother is GOOD at hiding things. if you ever need to hide criminal evidence/treasure, my mother is the go-to woman (j/k, but not really, haha).
this week, my dad is a chipmunk. he, at the tender age of 50 (soon-to-be-51, in sept.) got his wisdom teeth removed on monday, and the swelling still hasn't gone away. he got a cool looking ice pack thingy from the dentist that wraps around his face like so:
i seriously think i should have just gone to art school, like i wanted to do back in high school...
i've been a good daughter and trying to lift his spirits by telling him he looks like a chipmunk. or better yet, like a pokemon:
actually, my mom looks kind of like this too...skimchi says it's our mom saying "야!" ("ya")
finally, this gem came from a most unexpected source: ian/ina/isabel. he basically equated me to a taco in our facebook chat today (this is not verbatim, but this is how i remember it):
i've been a good daughter and trying to lift his spirits by telling him he looks like a chipmunk. or better yet, like a pokemon:
i: you weren't on gchat!
i: i wanted to talk to you
i: so i was upset
e*: oh, sorry...i wasn't logged into my gmail
i: but then i had a taco for lunch and everything was okay :D
i don't know how you interpret this, but i take it to mean that my worth (to ian, anyway) is equal to that of a taco. i mean, look: no e*-->upset-->taco-->happy. in other words, his disappointment at not being able to talk to me on gchat was not just mitigated (which would have been bad enough), but completely reversed and replaced with happiness from a taco. that better have been a dang good taco, ian.
anyway, my dad is asking me why it's taking an hour to make a simple flier, so i must go...until my next post, adieu!
i stand corrected. ina has just i.med me on fb to tell me this:
i: you need to correct that equation
e*: how?
i: Taco > you
e*: -_-;;;
this chat IS verbatim...and there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth...