anyway, the reason for this shamelss plug isn't to advertise that it's my birthday (well, actually, never mind, it kind of is), but to advertise the fact that rather than birthday gifts (although those are nice too), i'm asking friends and family to donate to a cause i support. i know not very many people actually read my blog, but i'm trying to advertise my birthday wish any way i can. i also know that many of my friends may not be too well off in the financial department, so although the facebook page may ask for $10, i'd be happy with whatever people can afford (i only donated $10 myself, so it'd be a bit silly of me to expect people to donate more).
on a related, but kind of random note, apparently the causes application on facebook thinks i'm nearing the century-mark:

maybe this is the reason i'm not excited about my birthday anymore (because i'm a jaded, tired, near-centenarian)?
now on a completely unrelated note, i start my LSAT classes tomorrow. it's just the diagnostic test tomorrow and not an actual class session, but i'm still excited. and by "excited" i mean "i have a herd of elephant ballerinas in my stomach and i feel like a little kid who gets so excited (s)he pukes." wish me luck!
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